More about Community Policing Forums
In 1995 the government passed a law (SAPS Act 68 of 1995) that acknowledged Community Police Forums as the only recognised consultative forum designed to permit communities to make their policing concerns known to the police. The CPF’s became partners and the eyes and ears of SAPS. This new forum opened up the opportunity for communities to take hands with their local police station, build relationships, and take care of their community within the protection and regulations of the law. It suddenly offered an opportunity for any community in South Africa to become safer by being accountable, responsible, and collaborative.
Sector 1 is proud to belong to the award-winning Sinoville Community Policing Forum. As part of the Sinoville CPF, we have been fortunate to establish excellent relationships with our local police station and through dedicated leadership and a clear vision, we have not only managed to become successful in our mission to be the eyes and ears of the police but also become the best in our Province and second-best nationally. Our experience and track record offers us the opportunity to help other communities and CPF’s. Sector 1 has cultivated a character of caring. We know that communities or organisations do not function in a vacuum. It has touch-points with numerous other organisations and communities. Never has it been clearer than in Lockdown and Covid-19 reality. An individual’s actions impact dozens of others who in turn impact many more. Everywhere we go, our action or inaction leaves an in print. From care packages, food drives, road safety, and crime prevention. Sector 1 looks out for our own and is ready to lend a hand to our neighbouring sectors and CPF’s. As citizens of our beautiful country, we cannot let the noise of political rhetoric and opportunism get in the way of creating a safer, better future for all. The CPF is inclusive, under the law and mandated by the Minister of Police. We believe that empathy, vision, and leadership can transform any community from a hotbed of criminal activity to a safe and peaceful environment where residents look out for one another, simply because they are neighbours. Do you want to become part of a winning team and be a responsible, accountable, and empowered neighbour who cares about your community? Join today.